pytheos.plot package¶
pytheos.plot.static_fit module¶
(fit_result, v_residual=None, v_label=’Unit-cell volume $(\mathrm{\AA}^3)$’, figsize=(5, 5), height_ratios=(3, 1), ms_data=8, p_err=None, v_err=None, pdf_filen=None, title=’Fit result’)¶ plot static compressional curve fitting result
Parameters: - fit_result – lmfit result object, see example jnb file for detail
- v_residual – manual input of fit residual
- v_label – label for volume axis
- figsize – figure size
- fitline – manual input of fit line, array of (v_fitline, p_fitline) with uncertainties
- height_ratios – height ratio between the main and residue plots
- ms_data – marker size for data points
- p_err – pressure error bar
- v_err – volume error bar
- pdf_filen – name of pdf output file
- title – title of the figure
Returns: None
pytheos.plot.thermal_fit module¶
(data, figsize=(12, 4), ms_data=50, v_label=’Unit-cell volume $(\mathrm{\AA}^3)$’, pdf_filen=None, title=’P-V-T data’)¶ plot P-V-T data before fitting
Parameters: - data – {‘p’: unumpy array, ‘v’: unumpy array, ‘temp’: unumpy array}
- eoscurves – {‘v’: unumpy array, ‘300’: unumpy array at the temperature ….}
- v_label – label for volume axis
- figsize – figure size
- ms_data – marker size for data points
- pdf_filen – name of pdf output file
- title – title of the figure
Returns: None
(fit_result, v_residual=None, v_label=’Unit-cell volume $(\mathrm{\AA}^3)$’, temp_fitline=array([ 300., 1000., 1500., 2000., 2500., 3000.]), figsize=(5, 5), height_ratios=(3, 1), ms_data=50, p_err=None, v_err=None, cbar_loc=(0.99, 0.1, 0.01, 0.82), pdf_filen=None, title=’Fit result’)¶ plot P-V-T EOS curve fitting result
Parameters: - fit_result – lmfit result object, see example jnb file for detail
- v_label – label for volume axis
- temp_fitline – temperatures to calculate isothermal compression curves, default = [300., 1000., 1500., 2000., 2500., 3000.]
- figsize – figure size, default = (7,7)
- height_ratios – height ratio between the main and residue plots, default = (3,1)
- ms_data – marker size for data points
- p_err – pressure error bar
- v_err – volume error bar
- cbar_loc – location of color bar
- pdf_filen – name of pdf output file
- title – title of the figure
Returns: None
Module contents¶
from .BM3 import * from .conversion import * from .debye import * from .kunc import * from .objs import * from .objs_for_fit import * from .pth import * from .pth_ConstQ import * from .pth_Dorogokupets2007 import * from .pth_Dorogokupets2015 import * from .pth_Speziale2001 import * from .pth_Tange import * from .pvt import * from .vinet import * from .hugoniot import *